
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What gives us hope and peace in the world?

What gives us hope and peace in the world ?

We need justice. Peace comes from you know where.
Hope comes from a glimpse of grace.

With hope and peace by grace, without justice there is limited amounts of both.

Without justice there is still hopelessness and war.

To establish justice, both sides must be validated and an acceptable term for co-existence must be established. And it has to be simple.

Ban one thing, you ban them all.

Exclude one voice, we exclude them all.

There are three sides to everything. not two.

Two are in conflict. Three is common. Joe likes rice, Jane likes tapioca.

To have a cake and eat it too, all paradox must be considered true.

(there is a supposed word calculus that breaks any dispute into an acceptable form where both sides walk away with just reason to be tolerant of the other as they both exist. Recompense is necessary. Always. Not just for the victor.)

Justice does not exist outside the already established universal laws.

Man's law is fallable and cannot be just if there are only two sides to choose from.
That is a symptom of bi-polar disease. Which has no known cure. And I will tell you this. There will be no hope for peace without justice of a tri fact state of all words.

You can try, to no avail. Half truth will only exist until every minority voice is heard and validated and accepted as true. Truth is absolute. Perception is changeable as the veil comes off. We are the liars. Numbers do not lie. Numbers are a derivitive of words. Words rule all things. By words will it end to continue.


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