At early 20s,we ask to set principles.
1. Love is understanding
2. Love need respect
3. Love is commitment.
There, we running these principles…
When we going into 30s, each point will grow more sentences.
1. Love is understanding. Do you understand me,my past and my future
2. Love need respect. Do you respect me as much I respect you. As partner, as a women, as your loved one
3. Love is commitment. How we are commited to each our own unique way..
By the time you married, the field levels willl be totally difererent.
1. Love is understanding – both should understanding each other and is no longer a couple. It a partnership call family. I can know what you think without asking already..
2. Love needs respect – you respect him as leader of the family, he respect you as the backbone of the family. Both equally important. Each complete each other.
3. Love is commitment – you no longer think you will lose him or her but think how to commit to make the family happy and growing.
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