
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Nice one!

I went to C.A.F.F.E.I.N.E.E.S last week, and i get myself two cakes, sharing with friends.
They made a small surprise for me, but unfortunately the suprise was failed due to the worker over there.

These are the orders . 2 desserts which is TIRAMISU (the one with the candle) and another one was chocolate brownies and 2 botols of hoegaarden , well couldnt admit that, the dessert are quite impressive.

The place was quite nice to hang out , when you have bunch of friends, and willing to spend time together for some drinks or beer or even dinner! This is quite a good choice. I would love to go there again. To built more memories in my heart.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Just thoughts

I just thought that I would just type...type about thoughts and things that are going on in my life.

Life is a funny thing, it is constantly taking us on a journey. Sometime we know exactly where we are heading and other times it feels like someone else is in control of the car and we are just passengers that just want to get out! I am not too sure I like the latter but those are the times that you just hang on and try getting and see as much as you can as things are flying by you. Either way I guess it is a blessing, you are alive and experiencing things! And hopefully after it is all said and done that you can look back and see that you have grown and loved and shared some really wonderful things along the way

See the world ! You are still young!!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Love the earth

I went to a friends house few days ago, and the housemate of her was busy doing their assignment.Due to my curiousity , i bump into them and have a look on what they are doing. Oh yes, they were painting!!! See it clearly on what they had draw, its earth world, something like to prevent pollution?!

Earth, our home planet, is a beautiful blue and white ball when seen from space. The third planet from the Sun, it is the largest of the inner planets. Earth is the only planet known to support life and to have liquid water at the surface.

The earth is very beautiful from space. It's also very beautiful from many places on it's surface. It is the people that inhabit the earth that make it seem ugly. Why must we make it polluted? Could we spend some time in a day to love our earth more?

The earth does not belong to us. We belongs to it.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


This picture is so sweet!! I got this picture from google search for the keyword "sweet", and this now became my wallpaper in my laptop.

I simply think that this is so sweet, because there is so much of love pills with wording on it, and the paper on the pills, which shows that " Nothing is as sweet as you" . Gosh, this is got to be so romantic and sweet if i got something like this. That is so cool!!!

Did you ever imagine when someone do this for you? What will you feel? And how its going to happen? I just know that when love comes around, you got no way to escape from it.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Learn to make cheesecake

Gathering tools, preparing ingredients, start making cheese cake.

Ingredients that you need : -
(Recipe extracted from Kraft website.)

1 cup crushed OREO Original Cookies
50g butter, melted
500g block PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese, softened
3/4 cup caster sugar
3 teaspoons gelatine, dissolved in 1/4 cup boiling water
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 cup cream, lightly whipped
100g OREO* Chocolate Crème Cookies, crushed
50g OREO* Chocolate Crème Cookies, extra, roughly chopped


Mix biscuit crumbs & melted butter together and press firmly with the help of a spoon onto the base of a 18cm cake tin. Chill for 30 minutes.
Beat whipping cream with electric mixer until 70% stiff or until mousse-like. Do not over mix. Takes about 2 to 3mins on low speed. Keep in the fridge.
Place gelatin powder, lemon juice & boiling water in a bowl. Heat a pot filled with water until just simmering and place the bowl inside the pot. Dissolve gelatin, lemon juice & boiling water in the bowl. Keep warm.
•With an electric mixer, beat cream cheese , icing sugar, milk and vanilla essence until smooth & creamy. Blend in gelatin solution. Blend in whipping cream with a spatula.
Pour half of the cheese mixture into a bowl. Stir in finely chopped oreo cookies. Mix well. Pour the mixture the cake tin. Chill for 15 minutes.
Sprinkle coarsely chopped oreo cookies on top of the first half of cheese mixture which has been chilled. Pour in the remaining half of the cheese mixture. Chill for 3 to 4 hours before serving. Remove from pan and decorate with chocolate shavings or as desired.

And DONE!!!

wow , finally had the chance to try on making cheese cake, unfortunenatly my first masterpiece was failed , but i had promised myself, i am gonna tried to make it again.
Overall, the moment that i spend time to doing this, is memorable, is precious. At least i learn something, and trust me, every failed, will come up with more and more sucessful!

Monday, June 21, 2010

A day back to Melaka

19th and 20th , I went back to Malacca. Why should I use the word “back” ? yeah because I was a Malaccan. My hometown was in Malacca. I love my hometown. I love everyone over there. When my family finally make the decision to come to Kuala Lumpur, its tough, and I miss every moment in Malacca .
Back to story, I went back with my friends and my beloved mummy. While we dropped mummy to my aunt’s house, I went to meet up some of my old school friends. Well hang out with them was so much fun!!! We went to Pork Satay ( a delicious HALAL meal which you can only be found in Malacca) , and we was keep eating and eating until my stomach was going to explode!! After the pork satay, we went for a night walk in Jonker street . ( Jonker Street, houses some of the Melaka oldest dwellings or houses dating back to the 17th century, is also informally known as the antique street.)
After the night walk there, we went for dinner, again! Hunting for food, we had few sticks of Satay Celup. Satay Celup is another local delights which is quite famous in Malacca, mostly of the dishes was stick with Fish balls, meatballs, or even some prawns and seafood. And we dip it in a hot Satay sauce. It was so delicious and I wish to had it again!!
On the 20th, we don’t have much time to spend , but we went to have some Layered cakes and bubble tea in a shopping mall in Dataran Pahlawan. After the meal, we leave and back to Kuala Lumpur. Overall , this trip is very memorable and I would love to come back again from time to time.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Best gift in my life

I was in love with handmade items recently. I think it is the most sincere gift for or to someone.

It represents your heart. Handmade gifts don’t have to be huge, don’t have to be expensive, even just a small folding star, and will cheer someone’s up. You know what?

Handmade is not things like those branded brands which landed in Pavilion, but handmade gifts are a special gift from heart. Because it requires time and the effort in doing it. I truly believe that, a handmade gift was more than anything which is pricey.

If there is someone would have gift you a gift that made by themselves, remember, please take good care of it, because the person made it with love.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Raindrops that falls on my window

Starring outside the window, it was raining again. The raindrops hitting the window , the music keep playing . I fell that so completely down . there are lots of questions, keep knocking on my head and mind. I feel so stressful.

It reminds me on my memories, memories were so bitter sweet. The smile, the flowers and when everything is gone. But I am happy, and I wanted to say thank you. For giving me a big change of my new life.

Now , I enjoyed more and more each day. I love everything that happens around me.
God bless. XOXO

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What gives us hope and peace in the world?

What gives us hope and peace in the world ?

We need justice. Peace comes from you know where.
Hope comes from a glimpse of grace.

With hope and peace by grace, without justice there is limited amounts of both.

Without justice there is still hopelessness and war.

To establish justice, both sides must be validated and an acceptable term for co-existence must be established. And it has to be simple.

Ban one thing, you ban them all.

Exclude one voice, we exclude them all.

There are three sides to everything. not two.

Two are in conflict. Three is common. Joe likes rice, Jane likes tapioca.

To have a cake and eat it too, all paradox must be considered true.

(there is a supposed word calculus that breaks any dispute into an acceptable form where both sides walk away with just reason to be tolerant of the other as they both exist. Recompense is necessary. Always. Not just for the victor.)

Justice does not exist outside the already established universal laws.

Man's law is fallable and cannot be just if there are only two sides to choose from.
That is a symptom of bi-polar disease. Which has no known cure. And I will tell you this. There will be no hope for peace without justice of a tri fact state of all words.

You can try, to no avail. Half truth will only exist until every minority voice is heard and validated and accepted as true. Truth is absolute. Perception is changeable as the veil comes off. We are the liars. Numbers do not lie. Numbers are a derivitive of words. Words rule all things. By words will it end to continue.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Car Sticker!!

Woots! I got a big laugh after i saw this advertistment when i was surfing the net. If i had a car, i would probably get this for myself, because it was so funny and so humor! I guess this could be a good present too! It could be gifted to someone that you wanted to play or make fun with. Well, i guess if someone whenever saw this sticker, they will surely laugh out loud. I bet that majority of them would love to have one of these to stick in the car window.

Althought it was just a simple sticker, but i highly agreed that sometimes we need things like these, to filled up our life, this is to make our life more colorful and with great cheers and laughter!!

What more can i say? " i park like an idiot"

Monday, May 24, 2010

Nine Legendary Phrases used by women

After a long survey, I found there are "Nine Legendary Phrases" used by women most of the time.....

1. FINE : This is the word women used to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up. So TRUE!! lolx that of course include me.

2. 5 MINUTES : If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house. My brother, been there...really true...

3. NOTHING : This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fire. brother always get this during the "day" of the month...never missed.. !!! poor thing....

4. GO AHEAD : This is a dare, not permission. GUYS~! Don't Do It!

5. LOUD SIGH: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to # 3 for the meaning of nothing.) (+_+) ....

6. THAT'S OK : This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake. Ops, sorry girls.... just a tip sharing hahaha.

7. THANKS : A woman is thanking you, do not question, or faint. Just say you're welcome. (I want to add in a clause here - This is true, unless she says 'Thanks a lot' - that is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. DO NOT say 'you're welcome' . That will bring on a 'WHATEVER'). TRUE

8. WHATEVER : Is a woman's way of saying FxxK YOU! Hell yea..guys normally just said "FxxK YOU"

9. DON WORRY ABOUT IT, I'VE GOT IT : Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking 'What's wrong?' For the woman's response refer to # 3.

Guys..nothing you can do about this except endure it..or find a way around it..Amuse us..entertain us ..

all the best ~

Sunday, May 23, 2010

All relationship is created by God and maintained by the lovers ....

Today somebody told me these love principles which I think is accurate so I share it here…

At early 20s,we ask to set principles.
1. Love is understanding
2. Love need respect
3. Love is commitment.
There, we running these principles…

When we going into 30s, each point will grow more sentences.
1. Love is understanding. Do you understand me,my past and my future
2. Love need respect. Do you respect me as much I respect you. As partner, as a women, as your loved one
3. Love is commitment. How we are commited to each our own unique way..

By the time you married, the field levels willl be totally difererent.
1. Love is understanding – both should understanding each other and is no longer a couple. It a partnership call family. I can know what you think without asking already..
2. Love needs respect – you respect him as leader of the family, he respect you as the backbone of the family. Both equally important. Each complete each other.
3. Love is commitment – you no longer think you will lose him or her but think how to commit to make the family happy and growing.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Finally ...

Thought of sharing this blog with everybody ... it is very painful but it is also the truth, so here goes ;

Thank you for the honesty.
It completed everything.
I wasn't wrong.
You wasn't right.
At least, you ending it kind of save me.
Because it is not worth it.
Just ironic your loyalty which you proud of.
You just sway in such short period compare over the time we had.
It show how fragile human feeling is,
Regardless how good a person is.
I could not hate you at all
Nor I could think this is all your faults.
Maybe it was my fault to be so persistent..something I considered now, is wrong.
Yes, I would bled and bear the pain.
But smiles craving at the corner of my lips.
I was never wrong..maybe wrong for not trusting myself.
Trust that ME more than good for you.
You are going to be a memory now..slowly and definitely..
A memory which has so many losses.
Every lost is a lesson learned.

I know I need to grow up and learn to let you go.
I' m going to miss you but I have got to get a move on with my life.
Fairy tales don't always have a happy ending, do they?
I wish you all the best wishes and good luck in your life.
Because I think you need it more than me.
Try not to get lost in your life....
For you know that I am not going to be there anymore........ c",)

Friday, May 21, 2010


I love you for giving your heart to me
and trusting me with your pride

I love you for wanting me
and needing me by your side

I love you for the emotions
I never knew i had

I love you for making me smile
Wenever I am in pain >.<>

I love you for your thoughts of me
where I am always on your mind

I love you for finding that part of me
that I thought I have lost and never thought I would find

I love you for all the special qualities
that make you one of a kind

I love you for the way you are
for how you make me feel

But most of all " I LOVE YOU "
because I know you are MINE for real.......

with love...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Can life really be without regrets?

"If only I could turn back time. I would change a few things in my life".

How many people can confidently say they've never wished this for themselves at some point in their life?

Can life really be without regrets?

No one is spared of this agony. We just have to realise - that some things NEED to happen for better things to come to our way. Some lessons that we just have to learn . And some shit in life, we just have to deal with it...Like it or not,there's just no other way.

WHY? WHY?!! I do not know why, me frequently would ask GOD that too...."WHY ME? WHY CHOOSE ME?" - Karma I guess... or maybe simply His way of teaching or leading us.

It's always painful when this happens. We just have be strong and bear through it... try to comfort yourself by reminding yourself "Everything happens for a reason, better things waiting ahead ." It may take some time for things to heal or get better. Trust me, do not blame anybody... sometimes people just make mistakes. Its not done purposely. It just happen. One fine day when you look back - smiles craving at the corner of your lips, whispering inside.... eerr don't ask me, i don't know hahaha joking ...but by then that will be your answer.

The best way to deal with this is to seek out ALTERNATIVES in our chart to replace the "emptiness" that is present. Most charts would have options. But if we are too engrossed in the present "PAIN", the better future cannot unfold.

This is so true - hope this little message of mine help , by the way who ate all my Kacang Tumbuk ?!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

message to you 2


Thanks for appeared in my life....

We know each other few years ago and we getting know each other by day-to-day.

We have experienced all the joy and sorrow.
I'm glad to know you in my life, you shine my life.
You are the one and only my BEST friend which I can shared everything.
I appreciated every precious moment we have been through.
Thanks for your opinion, your suggestion and your advises.
Thanks for always being there for me.

I hope you are in the right track.
I hope you can really get what you want and know what are you doing right now.
Don't get yourself hurt.

God blessed you

with love...

Monday, May 17, 2010

message to you 1


We knowing each other for quite a long time almost touch 9 years.
Thanks for being my buddies..

How are you all right now? Is it getting better?
Have you all achieve your requirements?
I miss you all.. I miss those days we were being together..

we had crazy life during our secondary time,
we was together go through every moments.
happiness.....sadness.....arguement...and also tears.....

I hope you all are happy with your life now..
I hope you will get what you want..
Learned in your life..
Being happy and enjoy the L.I.F.E.


with love.....

Saturday, May 15, 2010



My life was changed..
I have burden and commitment..
Life wasn't so easy and relax..


i really miss those days

i my family
i my buddies
i my friends
i my schoolmates
i malacca
i my dearest
i the freedom

There are all my sweet memories... life has changed, its not as sweet as before,
my family --- are getting older
my buddies --- have their own life and career
my friends --- have their new friends
my schoolmates --- have their own development
my dearest --- have their loved one

although life is changing everyday and nobody can predict the future..
We have to appreciate every precious moment we have right now,
let's the sweet memories always keep inside the heart...

continue our fantastic LIFE...

thousands of thanks for colouring my life

p/s: ref zhu an

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


What do you mean by FRIENDs?

True friendship is perhaps the only relation that survives the trials and tribulations of time and remains unconditional. A unique blend of affection, loyalty, love, respect, trust and loads of fun is perhaps what describes the true meaning of friendship. Similar interests, mutual respect and strong attachment with each other are what friends share between each other. These are just the general traits of a friendship. To experience what is friendship, one must have true friends, who are indeed rare treasure.

Friendship is a feeling of comfort and emotional safety with a person. It is when you do not have to weigh your thoughts and measure words, before keeping it forth before your friend. It is when someone knows you better than yourself and assures to be your side in every emotional crisis. It is when you can sleep fighting and get another morning with a better understanding. Friendship is much beyond roaming together and sharing good moments, it is when someone comes to rescue you from the worst phase of life. Friendship is eternal.

Monday, May 10, 2010

My First Blog

For our subject Information Technology, ur lecturer Mr. Willson Ching is asking all of us to create a blog with 10 posts with 10 country flags. This is my first time creating the blog and I really don't know what to write inside this BLOG..

First, we need to setting up GMail and sign up for Blogger. Name the blog and choose the template given by the Blogger. At last i have created my BLOG which is

Unfortunately, my blogspot has disappeared when i sign in to my blogger account. I not able to access my Blogger account and i have to create a new BLOG. Finally, I get help from my classmate which is Carmen Yap (professional in blogging) to create a new BLOG which is this

ok let's start blogging.... ^.^v